MyPaint Privacy Policy Effective Date: 10Feb2024 Introduction Welcome to MyPaint! This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information when you use our app or visit our website (the "Site"). We want to assure you that we take the privacy and safety of our users, especially children, very seriously. No Information Collection At MyPaint App, we are committed to providing a safe and secure experience for all our users, including children. We do not collect any personal information from our users, such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, or location data. Purpose of Our App Our app is intended for The purpose of a MyPaint App is to "Unleash your creativity with My Paint, your digital slate board for drawing whatever comes to mind. Dive into a world of color as you sketch shapes, pictures, cartoons, and more, all in vibrant hues. Let your imagination run wild and have fun bringing your ideas to life! Overall, the purpose of a MyPaint App is to provide a digital solution for slate, paint. . It is designed to be child-friendly and appropriate for users of all ages. Child Safety The safety and privacy of children are of utmost importance to us. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and other relevant laws and regulations concerning children's online privacy. Our MyPaint app does not contain any content that is harmful, inappropriate, or unsuitable for children. Third-Party Links Our app may contain links to external websites or services for additional content or educational purposes. However, we do not knowingly link to any websites that are not child-friendly or that may compromise the safety and privacy of our users. Data Security Even though we do not collect any personal information, we still take appropriate measures to ensure the security and integrity of our app. Changes to This Privacy Policy If we make any updates to this Privacy Policy, we will inform users through [describe how you will notify users of changes, e.g., in-app notifications or on the website]. Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact us at